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Answering All Your Vet Questions in Brantford & Beyond
Does my new puppy or kitten need special food?
When choosing a food for your pet, there are many things to consider, and age is definitely one of them! The nutrient requirements of a young, growing animal are not the same as an older, mature animal. Small breed dogs (those that will remain under 30 lbs) have different needs than giant breed dogs (those over 100 lbs at maturity). There are many reputable pet food companies offering a wide variety of options, and we would be happy to discuss the choices with you.
Can I give my dog aspirin?
Although aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) can be used in dogs as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, we do not recommend it for long term use. There are much safer medications made specifically for dogs which are less likely to cause stomach ulcers and other serious side-effects. Aspirin and over-the-counter pain relievers should never be used in cats.
Do you board dogs overnight?
We only offer overnight boarding for pets with special medication needs. There are a number of reputable boarding facilities in this area, and we would be happy to recommend one or more to you. We also suggest asking friends and neighbours where they have taken their pets and if they were happy.
What is involved in de-clawing my cat?
When deciding whether or not to declaw your cat, remember to take the cat’s personality into account. Not all cats use their claws destructively so don’t assume all need to be declawed. Once declawed, the cat should not be allowed outside as it now has limited defense against dogs and other predators.
Why is chocolate bad for dogs?
Chocolate toxicity is a well-known problem with dogs and cats. The active ingredients which cause the most problems are theobromine and caffeine. As the amount of toxin varies with the type of chocolate and amount ingested, signs can be mild to lethal. The clinical signs of chocolate toxicity include (but are not limited to) vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias and possibly death. It is important to keep candies and cookies containing chocolate away from your pets, but if they do consume some, go immediately to your veterinarian as early treatment can increase chances of a successful recovery.
Book an Appointment
To discuss your concerns about your animal’s health, physical condition, or behavior, please call us or fill out our email form and we’ll get back with you promptly.